Back Spin (Myron Bolitar)

Back Spin  - Harlan Coben Sports agent Myron Bolitar is approached by the father of super-star golfer Linda Coldren when her son is kidnapped. Her husband, Jack, an aging pro, is in the middle of a comeback in the golf U. S. Open. Myron agrees to help them and, as usual, gets embroiled in the middle of a plethera of suspects, lies and twists.There were any number of suspects that could have been involved in this case and after awhile, I just stopped trying to guess and sat back and enjoyed the story. One of the highlights, however, was the inclusion of Win Lockwood, but not in the usual way. The case involved his family and we learned a lot more about him and what helped shaped who he is today.By the end of the story, there were so many twists and revelations my head was spinning so I guess the book was aptly named. It's a classic Myron Bolitar story, with his trademark wit and sarcasm, and it delivered. I'm committed to this series and cannot wait to start the next book.