Good series start

Wilde Nights in Paradise - Tonya Burrows
The set up
Libby Pruitt, a DC assistant district attorney, is being stalked and the threatening messages are intensifying. She's not taken them too seriously so her father hires Wilde Security for protection services. Jude Wilde is assigned by one of his brothers to take her to Key West, Florida and be her bodyguard until they can track down the source. 

The issues
Jude and Libby have a complicated history. Six years ago, they were engaged and their breakup was messy. Now they're going to have to spend a few weeks together in a Key West safe house...alone with only each other for company. He's never lost his feelings for her and she's not recovered from their devastating separation. And, Jude's brothers think he's just a screw up and have low expectations of him.

What I liked
This first story in what looks to be a promising series sets up the Wilde brothers and their security firm very well. Without belaboring, it provided a strong sense of each brother and their sibling dynamics. Libby's stalker issue added an element of suspense to spice things up and keep things off balance. It took a while to fully understand what caused the rift between Jude and Libby and I liked how it was gradually revealed. Their semi-romance during the time in Key West was really steamy as she had a chance to really get to know the man she discovered she had never really known. Getting beneath the surface of Jude's outward persona and discovering the events that forced him into this behavior was pretty interesting.

What annoyed me
I know it was a key part of the story, Jude not really being the person he portrayed to everyone, but his immaturity grated on my nerves. He came across like a college frat boy not wanting to grow up. Even though it was contrived, it still was very annoying and uninteresting. I just wanted to get beyond this aspect of the story and it didn't work for me. 

The bottom line
I like the potential of this series and the element of suspense that accompanied the romance, though it was only about 20% of the storyline and mostly in the background. I liked Libby and even Jude when he wasn't being so silly. It's a story about two people reconnecting after many years apart because of misunderstandings and heartbreak. The romance was a new experience for both of them so I wasn't left feeling as if I'd missed something. It was an interesting story with some very sexy moments and a nice start to the series. 3.5 stars

(I received an ARC from NetGalley)